Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One for the Ages

Today we spent time with new friends on the terrace overlooking Addis Ababa. It is an amazing view from six stories up. You can see into some of the local houses and small complexes; dogs and kids running around chasing chikens and trash. A neighbor takes great care in her garden, working ervyday to make it perfect for her family's small crop of vegetables.

There was a standoff of sorts today between Malakai and Dustin. Christy went up to the terrace to talk with friends. Dustin stayed behind to feed Malakai. In the midst of the feeding, Dustin could hear noises coming from Malakai's southern region coupled with grunts, squinted faces, and snickers.

The stage had been set for the ultimate showdown. Granted this was the first of many matches in this amazing adventure, but this match had been brewing. This macth was one for the ages.

I will spare you the details of the match that made any UFC fight look like a playground tussle, but like any man who tells a story of struggle must announce the victor. Was it Malakai the rookie? Was Dustin the 11 year vet to retain the crown? No, it was the poo that beat them both.


  1. Oh my - you guys crack me up!! Take lots of pics of Africa - I can't wait to see them all!

  2. Glad to hear you're having so much fun Dustin!! Hope you took pictures of this historic event... (just kidding)

  3. Hey sweet friend! Just wanted you to know we've been following and praying for all of you! So excited to hear you have your sweet boy! Can't wait to see more pics! Love you!!!!!
    ~the Nuzums

  4. YAY YAY YAY!!! Just got on here to check up on you guys!! SO SO SO glad you're all home! AND you got to stay at the Yebsabi...LOVE that place!! E-mail how you're doing when you get a chance...I've misplaced your e-mail address! Much love and hugs...

    Autumn Chambers
    autcr at yahoo
